I’d like to start off by saying… I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Conservative nor am I a Liberal. The polarizing nature of this flawed and limited way of thinking about oneself and others is the source of the inability to look at both sides of an equation-a statement that the values of two expressions are equal. We’re all after the same thing. It’s about time we understand that and become a group of independent thinkers who question the mainstream media, Federal Government, and any centralized entity that may have something to gain from misinforming us. Apply meta-rationality to everything that you believe and adhere to the school of thought that for every grain of validity there is a mountain of embellishment. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. If this sounds contrived, I implore you to click on the next headline that makes you shake your head in disbelief. Then go one step further. Click on the source of that information. You may just find yourself shaking your head in disbelief…
Munchausen syndrome by proxy-Factitious disorder imposed on another, perhaps better known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy, is a form of abuse in which a person fabricates illness for a dependent and puts them through unnecessary medical treatment.
Understanding the Motives of a Broken System
Nutrition or Lack Thereof
Long before the coronavirus pandemic took this world by storm, I’ve had a strong desire to understand the age old question… why do hospitals serve Jello to sick patients? Its high in sugar and low in fiber and protein. Its not exactly healthy. If the medical field wants to make the argument that gelatin is high in amino acids that aid in joint and bone health, thats nice, but not everyone goes to the hospital for broken bones, or knee and hip replacements. Never have I ever heard anyone say “An important component to a healthy diet is Jello.”
The point here is that there is very little money to be made from healthy patients. If they were healthy, they wouldn’t need healthcare. Now, I’m not saying that all the wonderful doctors and nurses nationwide are deliberately keeping patients sick, what I’m saying is that the system that is currently in place doesn’t exactly promote a diet that is high in vitamins, minerals, probiotics, healthy fats, and proteins. That would cost them more money than Jello…
F**GING Numbers
According to an article from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act will reimburse hospitals for treating uninsured COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, a letter from the American Hospital Association (AHA) dated April 6, 2020 reads:
“…the American Hospital Association (AHA) urges the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to use its authority to extend to LTCHs the existing 20% hospital add-on payment for Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with COVID-19. Specifically, in recognition of the increased costs of treating COVID-19 patients, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act provided for a 20% add-on to the diagnosis-related group (DRG) rate for Medicare beneficiaries with COVID-19 treated in inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) hospitals.”
Ok, so essentially I’m seeing an extra 20% grant for hospitals on top of the existing rate for patients who test positive for COVID-19. The idea is that this is supposed to offset the increased costs of treating COVID-19.
Context is important here. Frugal isn’t exactly a word that comes to mind when defining the $2.2 trillion dollar CARES act. Last I checked, essential workers who haven’t lost the ability to work will still be given $1,200 to stop complaining about getting to go to work and the existing 7.14 million people that were unemployed as of March 2020 plus the 6.6 million new claims as of the week ending on April 4, 2020 are set to be the lucky recipients of an extra $600 a week! Taking into account the frivolous nature of what we know about the CARES act, I’d be willing to bet that the increased costs of treating COVID-19 patients doesn’t come close to an additional 20%. Gotta love those margins!
If the unemployment rate nearly doubling is any sort of indicator that taunting people with free money motivates them to get it, then its not difficult to see why hospitals would be encouraged to diagnose patients with COVID-19 regardless of false positives. According to the CDC, flu cases were down from 7.3% to 2.1% for the week ending in March 28th, 2020. Coincidentally or not, the CARES act was signed on March 27, 2020 and its existence was conceptualized a week prior.
If the implications of this sound too conspiratorial for you, can we at least agree that the alleged increase in cost for treating COVID-19 combined with the limited and dwindling supply of coronavirus tests nationwide should deter hospitals from wasting multiple tests in the case of false positives? Ok ok, if you still think hospitals will feel the need to be absolutely 100% positively sure of the accuracy of a test result, just take a look at Bayes Rule. Medical tests are created and distributed with this famous probability and statistics theorem in mind. BOTTOM LINE: If you test positive, its assumed that you’re positive. You won’t be retested.
So whats the takeaway here? Whether they take advantage of it or not, there are incentives for hospitals to report positive cases of COVID-19.
Treatments that Contradict the Narrative
Hydroxychloroquine and Quinine
When the buzz first started around the potential benefits that hydroxychloroquine may have on preventing and treating COVID-19, I remember seeing quite a bit of skepticism on social media. I heard things like, “The president starts talking about this malaria drug and now everyones buying tonic water because there’s an ingredient that sounds similar” or “Google search queries for quinine are skyrocketing because it sounds like hydroxychloroquine.”
I guess the people saying things like this never decided to look into the matter themselves. Well, I did. Turns out, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are the synthetic products of quinine; an alkaloid and antimalarial agent found in the bark of the Cinchona tree… and also an ingredient in tonic water.
To this date, despite many doctors touting its efficacy, I still see a lot of negative attention around hydroxychloroquine. It seems as though it stems primarily from the fact that Trump is optimistic about it.
Trump’s Distant Financial Stake in the Drug
If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of headlines clogging your feed reading things like “Trump Has ‘Financial Interest’ in Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer.” Let’s dive into a bit of a more credible source. An article in Business Insider reads:
Here is the logic:
The Dodge & Cox holdings are mentioned in this disclosure form, logged with the US Office of Government Ethics in May 2019.
Each of three family funds list a holding in the Dodge & Cox International Stocks Fund, valued between $1,000 and $15,000.
The funds are managed by JP Morgan without any input from Trump.
According to a prospectus dated December 2019, the Dodge & Cox fund in question has Sanofi as its largest holding at 2.9%.
If all three Dodge & Cox holdings are worth the full $15,000 — $45,000 in total — then a 2.9% share of that is $1,305.
So its an extremely small number relative to the Trump multi billion dollar fortune to say the least. Furthermore, Sanofi manufactures a multitude of drugs besides hydroxychloroquine, so it could be argued that his stake in the drug itself is even smaller. This doesn’t exactly constitute criminal behavior.
Nevertheless, exploiting the notion that the president is invested in a company that manufactures a promising drug seems like a waste of time and energy regardless of validity and I don’t think it wise to disregard studies pertaining to the drugs efficacy because of said notion.
Even if he had a much larger stake in Sanofi or another hydroxychloroquine manufacturer, attempting to determine whether or not he promotes it for his own self interests versus the possibility of the president simply doing his job of protecting the American people, would prove to be futile; much like the impeachment trials. Moreover, it could end up costing lives and tax dollars.
Let’s play out this scenario. Let’s say Trump remains silent on hydroxychloroquine. Hypothetically speaking, if hundreds of thousands of people ended up dying and we were to discover that the drug would have been the most effective treatment the entire time, should he be criticized for not promoting it? I think so! In this case, should his infinitesimal investment in Sanofi be enough of a reason to ignore his obligation to protect the American people? I think not. Contrary to many anticapitalist views, making money regardless of how much, is sometimes a byproduct of doing the right thing or solving a problem. Novel, I know.
Now, I’m all for natural remedies. See another of my articles titled, Immune Boosters During the COVID-19 Pandemic. I’ll continue taking high doses of vitamin C, zinc, etc., but if natural measures failed to prevent it, it’d be foolish to believe they would cure it. If I even slightly experience symptoms of COVID-19 I’d have my hydroxychloroquine plug overnight me some immediately regardless of the FDA, CDC, WHO, or Trump’s stance on the matter.
One of the main naysayers in respects to hydroxychloroquine has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci. He also happens to be a leading member of the Coronavirus Task Force.
While people so desperately want to believe that the president is promoting a drug because of a presumed financial stake, it could be argued that Fauci is downplaying the drug’s benefits because of his involvement as a member of the leadership counsel of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration, an initiative launched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. There’s a possibility that they don’t want people to know that the drug works because of the far more lucrative opportunity presented by immunizing billions of people worldwide.
On October 18th, 2019 John Hopkins, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation held a global pandemic exercise called Event 201. The timing of this is odd considering the first reported case wasn’t until November 17th.
In an interview with PBS, Bill Gates advocated for the continuation of a quarantine until vaccines are ready. He’s invested billions of dollars into the production of vaccines that could have the potential to reach billions of citizens globally. As far as I know, most billionaires don’t invest their billions in ventures that don’t expect to be profitable…
In Conclusion
- The current healthcare system does not incentivize doctors and hospitals to promote healthy diets and lifestyles.
- The CARES act is designed in a way that allows hospitals to exploit it by diagnosing as many symptomatic patients with COVID-19 as they can find reason to.
- Treatments that radically mitigate symptoms are being suppressed by the mainstream media and the head scientist in charge of advising the US government. He also happens to be an advisor to the initiative attempting to vaccinate billions of people; even those outside of the country for which he is advising.
The less healthy people are overall, the more symptomatic they will be due to weakened immune systems. This will inevitably result in more positive cases. This helps propagate the agenda for pushing a vaccine on billions of people by those who have only the world left to gain.
By the way, I’m on the lookout for paid gigs so if you’re picking up what I’m putting down or know someone that might, feel free to email me at youalreadyknodio@gmail.com. I love to learn and will dive deep into all things esoteric. Some of my areas of expertise include but are not limited to cryptocurrencies/digital assets/distributed ledgers, health & wellness, biohacking, global affairs, music, sports, business, science, and travel!
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