Fortunately, I myself have never had to endure the antagonizing phenomenon known as vertigo. I have, however, been uncomfortably inebriated to the point of having to put one foot on the floor to keep my world from spinning as I lay in my bed desperately wishing to fall asleep… I imagine vertigo feels vaguely similar? For some unknown reason, I’ve had quite a few people close to me that have, at one point or another, struggled with vertigo. Their discomfort has served as a catalyst for me attempting to figure out a way to mitigate their symptoms.
What Exactly is Vertigo?
Before we dive into a few ways to take care of the issue, lets define what it is exactly for those of you who are unfamiliar. In case my comparison to extreme intoxication wasn’t descriptive enough.
Vertigo-a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height, or caused by disease affecting the inner ear or the vestibular nerve; giddiness.
If its Synthesized, Minimize!
Since, as with most things that don’t have a cure, doctors seem to become frustrated when attempting to curb symptoms. Often times they resort to prescribing medications that were synthesized in a lab, of which we can’t even pronounce the names of. For example, try saying meclizine hydrochloride, scopolamine transdermal patches, promethazine hydrochloride, metoclopramide, ondansetron. Various benzodiazepines such as Xanax are also often prescribed. Yah, you read right… Anxiety meds! All in the name of meeting quotas to get some sort of kickback from Big Pharma… nice.
Act Natural.
So… for those of you who may be inflicted with this debilitating sensation, or for those of you who know someone that is, lets try finding some healthy natural solutions, yah? Ones that don’t entirely alter your brain chemistry? Cool.
- Ginkgo Biloba
Fun fact! The Ginkgo Biloba tree is one of the oldest trees on the planet. Fossils date it back as far as 270 million years. The Chinese have been using the leaves medicinally as far back as the late 15th century. According to recorded history that is. So what does it do? Vertigo can often be attributed to a lack of blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo aids in improving and managing blood flow to the brain. It can be taken as a supplement; both in powder and capsule form, capsules being more common. However, if you can find it in powder form, it makes a great addition to smoothies! Below are some Amazon links to some quality brands that offer each. If you’re anti-Amazon, I’m sure you’re local health food store carries one or two brands.
Capsules: Gaia Herbs Ginkgo Leaf
Powder: Micro Ingredients Superfoods Ginkgo Biloba Powder
- Vitamin D
Vertigo can occur when calcium crystals in your inner ear become dislodged. Remarkably, vitamin D receptors dock themselves at calcium channel transport systems inside the ear which help regulate calcium balance, thus vitamin D diminishes symptoms of vertigo. The obvious answer to getting ample amounts of this vitamin is to just stop being lazy and get your ass outside. But after growing up in Minnesota and spending a portion of my life in Alaska, I understand how difficult it can be to want to wander out into the frigid cold for the few hours that the sun barely manages to peak above the horizon. So, if thats you, or you just need more D… heres a link to a concentrated liquid form for fast absorption.
Quicksilver Scientific Nanoemulsified D3K2
- Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
2 parts honey to 1 part apple cider vinegar is known to help minimize the affects of vertigo. Most grandmothers will tell you that these two ingredients can individually cure pretty much everything so its no surprise that combining the two is just pure magic. In less grandma-like terms, these two compounds are both thought to relieve blood flow to the brain. I refuse to post a link for where to find this. Go to the grocery store.
- Ginger tea- Steeping ginger root in boiling water for 5 minutes and drinking that twice a day can help relieve vertigo symptoms. Bitter much? Just double down on that honey! Leave the apple cider vinegar out of it though. Again, the grocery store!
Some other secret weapons for combatting vertigo are eating a handful of almonds (don’t ask why), obviously stay hydrated, diffusing essential oils of the lavender, ginger, lemon, or peppermint variety, and acupressure.
Thanks for reading! I sure hope this can serve as some sort of guide for someone out there struggling with this unfortunate condition.
Looking forward,
Nick Odio
By the way, I’m on the lookout for paid gigs so if you’re picking up what I’m putting down or know someone that might, feel free to email me at I love to learn and will dive deep into all things esoteric. Some of my areas of expertise include but are not limited to cryptocurrencies/digital assets/distributed ledgers, health & wellness, biohacking, global affairs, music, sports, business, science, and travel!
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