Immune Boosters During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nick Odio
5 min readMar 29, 2020


I hope everyone is staying safe out there! Social distancing, “flattening the curve”, self quarantining, washing hands, not touching your face… All that good stuff. These truly are unprecedented times. I’m hesitant to believe that the mass hysteria is entirely warranted but that is a slippery and dangerous slope. Thus, for obvious reasons, I will not be one of those who thinks there is absolutely nothing to worry about especially if you’re “young and in good health.” The rational mind would say that the truth lies somewhere in between those two perspectives. That being said, my motto remains: Hope for the best. Expect the worst.

Aside from all the lovely aforementioned practices on how to protect yourself and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, there is one simple concept that never seems to be mentioned by the CDC and the WHO. It definitely isn’t receiving nearly enough attention from our mainstream media who does such a fantastic job of either misinforming us or keeping us uninformed. I cant tell. I digress. Keep your immune system on point! I wanted to leave a few products and practices below. Things that I’ve been doing to make sure that my body’s defense system is performing optimally.

These first two products are from a company who I’ve heard multiple individuals who I consider experts on the matter refer to, including Luke Storey and Tony Robbins. Quicksilver Scientific creates top of the line supplements.

  • Liposomal Glutathione

Glutathione protects the immune system in two ways. It uses an antioxidant mechanism to protect host immune cells and it aids in the functionality of lymphocytes; a type of white blood cell. To get a much more scientific explanation, peep the video below.

Get some Glutathione
for yourself here!

  • Nanoemulsified D3K2

Theres a lot of science out there claiming the benefits of Vitamin D on the immune system but if we’re being honest here, I’m just using it because of its more commonly known effects on one’s mood. During these uncertain times spent predominantly indoors and away from the sun it can be easy to fall into negative thought patterns. Vitamin D can curb that and its effects are amplified when combined with Vitamin K. Trust me, I lived in Alaska.

Get some Nanoemulsified D3K2 for yourself here!

  • Camu Camu Powder

If you can, always try to source your vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat rather than supplements. This incredible creation is an Amazonian super fruit. Camu Camu is the single largest source of Vitamin C on the planet! It contains 10x the amount of Vitamin C per serving than an orange. Oh, and one serving is 1 teaspoon! In a single teaspoon there is 760% of your %DV. It goes great in smoothies, juices, or yogurt. I’m a big fan of Navitas Organics products. Get some Camu Camu powder for yourself here!

  • Propolis
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Honey isn’t the only thing that bees make! They also create a compound called propolis which they organically synthesize using the sap from evergreen tree needles. They use it as a sort of coating to build their hives but humans can get all sorts of benefits from it. Coating our hives is not one of them. Ancient civilizations from all over the world have been using it for millennia. From the Greeks to the Egyptians to the Assyrians. Propolis is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial! Pretty much all around anti-bad. Bee Keepers Natural is another touted brand from my favorite biohackers. They make a wide array of bee products but you can find their propolis spray and other immune boosting products here. Use the code “LIFESTYLIST” to receive 15% off and be sure to check out Luke Storey’s podcast below with founder and CEO of Beekeeper’s Naturals, Carly Stein.

  • Immune Defense Capsules by Natrium Health

These capsules are just packed with immune boosting ingredients! Functional Yeast Extract, Turky Tail Mushroom Extract, Palmitoylethanolamide, Black Seed Oil Extract, Oleamide, Red Reishi, Sucrosomial® Zinc, and Tyrosol.

Other easy steps to take:

  • Squeeze a lemon in your water
  • Boil ginger and drink the water
  • EXERCISE! Gyms may be closed but thats not an excuse.
  • It sounds obvious but stay positive. This too shall pass. Negative thinking can cause stress which leads to imbalanced hormones and depleted levels of neurotransmitters and happiness inducing chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Ultimately this can be quite damaging on your immune system. Thoughts become things. Mentality to reality. See it in your head hold it in your hand. If ya think about it, ya bring about it. Want me to keep going?
  • Be productive. Improving CNN’s ratings by falling under a screen-induced hypnosis, arguing with your aunt over the validity of 5G networks being the cause of coronavirus, or ripping apart your pro Trump uncle over Facebook for calling it the Chinese Virus does not count. Instead, do something new that you otherwise never had the time to do. Learn a language, dive into a book you’ve been wanting to read, find podcasts to listen to, cook instead of microwaving non perishables, pick up that musical instrument you’ve been too busy for or listen to an album from start to finish, keep a journal, FaceTime your loved ones. There, that should keep you busy!

I would love to hear any immune boosting secrets you may have! Shoot me a Tweet with your’s!

Looking forward,

Nick Odio

By the way, I’m always down for paid gigs so if you’re picking up what I’m putting down or know someone that might, feel free to email me at I love to learn and will dive deep into all things esoteric. Some of my areas of expertise include but are not limited to cryptocurrencies/digital assets/distributed ledgers, health & wellness, biohacking, global affairs, music, sports, business, science, and travel!



Nick Odio
Nick Odio

Written by Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.

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